[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/24240434?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”681″ height=”383″ frameborder=”0″] If you own a pair of shoes, sneakers, or sandals you probably know about Zappos.com. Or, if you read the great book Delivering Happiness, then you also know Zappos.com. In this episode I meet with Tony Hsieh, CEO of this amazing company that offers so much more than just shoes. […]
Category: Samovar Stories – Video Series
Tea brings people together, and Samovar brings people to tea. In this interview series let the stories of these fearless folk educate and entertain, and deliver you a dose of daily inspiration. These stories from real people doing really great things, encourage us all to wake up to the “now” and do something momentous with our lives.
Join Samovar Tea Lounge founder Jesse Jacobs as he shares good tea with friends, some famous and some not, but all of them inspiring and unique. Featured guests include best selling authors Dr. Andrew Weil, Tim Ferriss, Chip Conley, and Dean Karnazes, tech entrepreneur and Digg.com founder Kevin Rose, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, craigslist.org founder Craig Newmark, and others.
Tea with Dr. Andrew Weil and Kevin Rose: Royal Palace, Green Ecstasy, Ocean of Wisdom
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/24234954?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”681″ height=”383″ frameborder=”0″] Meet best selling author and Integrative Health leader Dr. Andrew Weil, and tech entrepreneur Kevin Rose and take time for tea with these two accomplished and inspiring guys. We talk about why tea is healthy for the mind, body and spirit, what kinds of rituals work for being healthy and […]
Tea with Craig Newmark: Jasmine Lemonade, Nocturnal Bliss
Virtually everyone you know uses craigslist.org. Now you can meet the maker: Craig! Nocturnal Bliss is our tea of choice for this episode in which Craig discusses how he got started, and what he’s up to with craigslist. Note: this video is edited to 10 minutes, but you can listen to the full 25-minute audio […]
Tea with Tim Ferriss: First Flush Nishi Sencha, Orange Ginger
Tim and I have tea and talk creativity, motivation, inspiration, and a bit of tech. In this episode we connect over a pot of Nishi First Flush organic green tea, which is super healthy, and talk about the creative process and how to get over fear. Stay tuned for an upcoming episode dedicated to his […]
Tea with Chip Conley: Monkey Picked Iron Goddess of Oolong, Nocturnal Bliss
Chip and I sit down for some dinner and tea to chat about the relationship between psychology (Abraham Maslow) and work (Joie de Vivre and Samovar). How Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” can be applied to the workplace for not only more bottom line profit, but perhaps more importantly, for positive culture and joy (which incidentally […]
Tea with Erica Sandberg: Samovar Breakfast Blend, Ancient Gold
Your money is your life, and good financial management is really, really important. Erica joins me for a pot of Earl Grey tea at Samovar where she speaks candidly on passion and money. Note: this video is edited to 10 minutes, but you can listen to the full 40-minute audio interview on iTunes.
Tea with Jeff Mendelsohn: Ocean of Wisdom
“Green paper products” isn’t a contradiction of terms, especially where Jeff Mendelsohn is involved! As founder of New Leaf Paper, Jeff has been a visionary leader in the evolution of the green business community. We met over a pot of tea to discuss business as a force for good, the dirty side of the paper […]
Tea with Jeff Riddle: Downy Sprout, Bai Hao Oolong
Because of his unique take on why and how to build relationships, I believe Jeff Riddle is soon to be a household name in business and social media. In this episode Jeff and I sip some Downy Sprout at Samovar Sanchez and talk about why (and how) to build really deep relationships – for improved […]
Tea with Stephanie Bernstein: Wei Chi Cha, Masala Chai
Bamboo cutlery? Yep – it’s taking the country by storm actually, and Stephanie Bernstein and her company are leading the way. Stephanie takes time out from a busy life to chill and chat over a pot of Wei Chi Cha. Stephanie is doing great things, and creating a great company. Join us for tea as […]
Tea with Dean Karnazes: Moorish Mint, Wuyi Oolong
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/24520149?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”681″ height=”383″ frameborder=”0″] Dean runs a marathon every single day. Seriously. Then he comes home, makes breakfast for his kids, and then gets down to writing. He writes books about endurance, with the goal of inspiring others to do like him: live an actualized life. That is, live a life that you’re meant […]