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Tea with Dr. Andrew Weil and Kevin Rose: Royal Palace, Green Ecstasy, Ocean of Wisdom

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Meet best selling author and Integrative Health leader Dr. Andrew Weil, and tech entrepreneur Kevin Rose and take time for tea with these two accomplished and inspiring guys. We talk about why tea is healthy for the mind, body and spirit, what kinds of rituals work for being healthy and “getting things done,” and why tea is all the rage in the tech community.

About the  Guests

Andrew Weil, M.D. is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of holistic medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Combining a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine, Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, and also founded the Weil Foundation, which has given out more than $2 million in grants and gifts to medical centers and other non-profit organizations nationwide since 2005.

About 10 million copies of Dr. Weil’s books have sold to date, including Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, Eating Well for Optimum Health, The Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Aging, and Why Our Health Matters.

Visit his website at www.drweil.com, the leading web resource for healthy living based on the philosophy of integrative medicine. He can also be found on Facebook at facebook.com/DrWeil, Twitter at twitter.com/DrWeil, and Dr. Weil’s Daily Health Tips blog at drweilblog.com.

Kevin Rose a technology angel investor, serial entrepreneur, and tea enthusiast. Kevin is the co-founder and CEO of Milk, a mobile application development company in San Francisco, CA. Previously Kevin was the Founder of Digg, and co-founder of Revision3 and Pownce (now Six Apart).

He has been featured on the cover of Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, and RedHerring. Kevin was named a “2010 Top 25 Angel Investors (#14)” by Bloomberg, “Top 25 Web Celebrities” by Forbes (2010), “Top 25 Most Influential People on the Web” by Time and BusinessWeek magazines (2008), and one of MITs “Top 35 Innovators under 35” (2007).

Visit his blog at kevinrose.com, or find him at facebook.com/kevinrose, or on Twitter @kevinrose, and @tea.

About Samovar Stories

Tea brings people together, and Samovar brings people to tea. In this interview series let the stories of these fearless folk educate and entertain, and deliver you a dose of daily inspiration. These real people doing really amazing things, encourage us all to wake up to the “now” and do something momentous with our lives.


Join Samovar Tea Lounge founder Jesse Jacobs as he shares good tea with friends,  some famous and some not, but all of them inspiring and unique. Featured guests include best selling authors Dr. Andrew Weil, Tim Ferriss, Chip Conley, and Dean Karnazas, tech entrepreneur and Digg.com founder Kevin Rose, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, craigslist.org founder Craig Newmark, and others.






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