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Tea with Dean Karnazes: Moorish Mint, Wuyi Oolong

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Dean runs a marathon every single day. Seriously. Then he comes home, makes breakfast for his kids, and then gets down to writing. He writes books about endurance, with the goal of inspiring others to do like him: live an actualized life. That is, live a life that you’re meant to live. We enjoy a pot of Moorish Mint (caffeine free, because Dean doesn’t need caffeine) and I am blown away at his passion and abilities. A marathon every single day?!

Note: the video is edited down to 10 minutes, but you can listen to the full 45 minute audio interview on iTunes.

Show Notes

  • Why ultramarathons
  • Love of endurance and pushing the envelope
  • Turning a passion into a vocation
  • Running a marathon a day
  • 50 days, 50 marathons (consecutively!)
  • The turning point, the big vivid spark and bad tequila
  • Lifelong learning and beginner’s mind


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About Samovar Stories

Tea brings people together, and Samovar brings people to tea. In this interview series let the stories of these fearless folk educate and entertain, and deliver you a dose of daily inspiration. These real people doing really amazing things, encourage us all to wake up to the “now” and do something momentous with our lives.

Join Samovar Tea Lounge founder Jesse Jacobs as he shares good tea with friends,  some famous and some not, but all of them inspiring and unique. Featured guests include best selling authors Dr. Andrew WeilTim FerrissChip Conley, and Dean Karnazas, tech entrepreneur and founder Kevin RoseZappos CEO Tony Hsiehcraigslist.orgfounder Craig Newmark, and others.

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