Only the best! Florence Fabricant of the New York Times picks Samovar’s Hawaii-Grown Teas for the Times’ holiday gift guide.
Hawaii Tea
Hawaii-Grown Tea: An Interview with Tea Farmer Eva Lee
Hawaii-Grown Tea: An Interview with Tea Grower and Processor Eva Lee Meet the tea farmer! Join Samovar Tea Lounge’s Jesse Jacobs as he talks with Hawaii Tea grower and producer Eva Lee.
Erick Gets a Taste of Hawaii-Grown Tea
Erick Gets a Taste of Hawaii-Grown Tea Join Samovar Tea Lounge operations manager, Erick Xicum as he travels to Hawaii Island, Hawaii to check out the tea gardens blooming there.
Hawaii-Grown Tea Comes to Samovar and the USA
Hawaii-Grown Tea Comes to Samovar and the USA In this video: For the fist time in the continental U.S.: Hand-Picked, Artisan, Whole-leaf tea grown in America. Hawaii-Grown Oolong Tea: Semi Oxidized Tea Hawaii-Grown Black Tea: Fully-Oxidized Only 15 pounds of each tea is available through Samovar Tea Lounge. Jesse demonstrates the unique Brewing Technique for […]