Business can really make a difference for the greater good. Look at how Samovar makes people feel: good, healthy, and happy. That’s our purpose. And, although it isn’t easy, it is fun, and rewarding to see our customers smile and express their gratitude. We’re hosting an event next Thursday, 1/18 with Flow a Bay Area organization dedicated to “liberating the entrepreneurial spririt for good.” This will be an amazing event to connect with passionate, like minded folks who are really into letting the creative sparks fly.
Read more about the event
Are you interested in the role of business in changing the world for the better? Or curious about how different sectors might transcend their differences and join together in reaching for a more sustainable future?
You’re invited to a conversation on ”liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for good” in Samovar Tea Lounge at the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco, from 5 to 7:30 PM. Local entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creatives are invited to this socially conscious entrepreneurial tea party.
What: A conversation on “liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for good”
When: Thursday 18 January 2007, 5:00 – 7:30 pm
Where: Samovar tea Lounge, Yerba Buena Gardens,
Cost: By donation. Suggested donation $40
How: 415.497.0996