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Tea Mavericks of America – Panel Discussion

(Complete video, approximately 1.5 hours)

I recently had tea with these amazing guys, jointly responsible for making the tea market what it is today. Taking the time for tea and talk, these guys shared their experiences, insights, and their take on why tea is taking off today. CEO of Rishi Tea, Joshua Kaiser, Author James Norwood Pratt, CEO and Alchemist Ahmed Rahim, CEO of Digg Kevin Rose, Tea Pioneer David Lee Hoffman, and Samovar founder Jesse Jacobs all gather for tea at Samovar Tea Lounge.

Some of the topics discussed include:

  • Each person’s history and how they came to be doing what they’re doing
  • Their personal tea ritual
  • Why tea is gaining unprecedented popularity in America
  • How they can be competitors as well as supporters of eachother
  • Best tea for Sex
  • Much more… 
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