Samovar Ambassador, Bree harvests and processes tea in Northern Thailand.
tea travel
Jodet’s Tea Trip to Taiwan Part II
When Lorraine and I first arrived in Taiwan, we were so excited, we were filming and photographing everything. We were ready to engulf ourselves in all of what the tea culture had to offer us, and we did. At first, we had no idea what we would be doing, since our entire itinerary was in […]
(Part III) Teresa in India: More than San Francisco Tea Culture
This time, I will try to take a closer look at the specifics of culture and life in India. I don’t mean to plunge into any elaborate analysis, but rather draw a couple of examples which might strike a foreigner, make him think, laugh and wonder.
(Part II) Teresa in India: Uttar Pradesh
From the Faraway state of Uttar Pradesh, all the way to Samovar Tea Lounge in San Francisco, this is Tea Ambassador Teresa reporting from afar…
(Part I) Notes from Teresa in India: I Arrive!
Since every journey has its beginning, this one starts in the cozy shelter of Samovar Tea Lounge in San Francisco, and ends on the streets of India.