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Tuesday’s Tea Salon: “The Meaning of Money in the New Economy”

Samovar Tuesday Tea Salon
Samovar Tuesday Tea Salon

The Meaning of Money in the New Economy

How will the value of money change in the coming months and years, and how can you best manage your own money as dollars come and go, rise and fall, with the shifting economic climate? Come sip premium tea with John Marshall, who will help you decipher the best ways to respond to the changing financial picture in the U.S.

Featuring John Marshall-Stella, Principle of Stella Capital and  Moderator James Norwood Pratt

About James Norwood Pratt:
James Norwood Pratt is an author and authority on wine, tea and tea lore. He is best known for his books on tea “The Tea Lover’s Treasury” (1982), “The Tea Lover’s Companion” (1995), and the whimsical “Reading Tea Leaves” (1996) authored as “by a Highland Seer.” In 2000 he brought out “James Norwood Pratt’s NEW Tea Lover’s Treasury,” a complete re-casting of his earlier work in the light of increased information. This book has been translated into German with the title “Tee fur Geniesse” and is often used as a training manual in the US tea trade.

About the Samovar Tea Salon Series “Coping With The New Economy”
Samovar Tea Salon Series invites a small audience to an intimate, open-dialogue forum meant to inspire and energize the community to respond mindfully and optimistically to a rapidly changing social and economic era. Tea Salons will be held bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings at Samovar’s new “Hayes Valley” location (297 Page @ Laguna).

These Tea Salons bring together some of the finest Bay Area minds in finance, spirituality, technology, entrepreneurialism, self help and the environment in an interview/forum format, moderated by Samovar owner Jesse Jacobs and events associate Jennifer Sauer (Author of The Way to Tea: Your Adventure Guide to San Francisco Tea Culture).

Tuesday, June 16
7-8:30 p.m. (Come early for dinner!)
Samovar Tea Lounge Hayes Valley
297 Page Street (@ Laguna Street)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 861-0303

Tickets are limited to 22 people per event. Samovar Tea Lounge will serve fine premium teas equally valued at the cost of admission ($12) at the start of each event. Dining is available from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm prior to the forum. Discount tickets are also available: two people for $20 (single event), or three tickets (three individual events) for $30.

All Tea Salons will be held from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, and tickets are available for purchase at Samovar’s Hayes Valley location.

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