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Tuesday’s Tea Salon: “Human Potential in the New Economy”

Human PotentialHuman Potential in the New Economy

How can you accomplish more by doing less? Adaptability, mindfulness, calming down, and doing less.  These are the hallmarks of working to your full potential according to Author, Zen Priest, and Life Coach Marc Lesser and Executive Leadership Coach Pam Weiss. Join two of our community’s great consultants and life coaches who can help you gain leverage from the inside out as you work toward fulfilling your dreams in this unique economic era.

Featuring Marc Lesser (Author of Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less) & Pam Weiss (Executive Coach)

About Marc Lesser:
Zen priest and business consultant, Marc Lesser, is the author of the new book, Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less. Marc has been practicing and studying Zen for 30 years and is a Zen teacher in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi.  He also has an MBS degree from NYU’s Graduate School of Business and has been a highly regarded consultant to executives in various industries.

About Pam Weiss:
Pam Weiss has been practicing Buddhism since 1987, including several years of Zen monastic training. She is currently in teacher-training with Jack Kornfield, and is also a student of the Diamond Approach. Pam is an executive coach who offers mindfulness classes and leadership development programs inside various organizations. Her passion is in bringing the richness and depth of Buddhist teachings to the world of work and relationships, as well as articulating a feminine expression of the dharma.

About the Samovar Tea Salon Series “Coping With The New Economy”
Samovar Tea Salon Series invites a small audience to an intimate, open-dialogue forum meant to inspire and energize the community to respond mindfully and optimistically to a rapidly changing social and economic era. Tea Salons will be held bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings at Samovar’s new “Hayes Valley” location (297 Page @ Laguna).

These Tea Salons bring together some of the finest Bay Area minds in finance, spirituality, technology, entrepreneurialism, self help and the environment in an interview/forum format, moderated by Samovar owner Jesse Jacobs and events associate Jennifer Sauer (Author of The Way to Tea: Your Adventure Guide to San Francisco Tea Culture).

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
7-8:30 p.m. (Come early for dinner!)
Samovar Tea Lounge Hayes Valley
297 Page Street (@ Laguna Street)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 861-0303

Tickets are limited to 22 people per event. Samovar Tea Lounge will serve fine premium teas equally valued at the cost of admission ($12) at the start of each event. Dining is available from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm prior to the forum. Discount tickets are also available: two people for $20 (single event), or three tickets (three individual events) for $30.

All Tea Salons will be held from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, and tickets are available for purchase at Samovar’s Hayes Valley location.

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