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Introduction to Samovar, the Movement

In this video I introduce the How and Why of Samovar Tea Lounge. Learn about how it came to be, how we embrace the “negative space” of art, music, and business. Offering our customers a space out of time, our business may look like a tea company, or restaurant, but in fact is a company […]

Zen & the Art of Life Management

Join me and my good friends, and role models Leo Babauta, author of the awesome blog Zen Habits, Four Hour Workweek author Tim Ferriss, and VP of the San Francisco Zen Center, Susan O’Connell as we have tea, and connect on the meaning of life, zen, and how to live with joy in a world […]

Tea Mavericks of America – Panel Discussion

(Complete video, approximately 1.5 hours) I recently had tea with these amazing guys, jointly responsible for making the tea market what it is today. Taking the time for tea and talk, these guys shared their experiences, insights, and their take on why tea is taking off today. CEO of Rishi Tea, Joshua Kaiser, Author James […]

Samovar Stories: Tea With Starters & Doers

Join me as I take the time to hang out and drink tea with some of the most inspiring and motivated people in the world today. Some household names, and some not, authors, thinkers, creators and doers – this trailer offers just a few highlights of the upcoming videos. So please do subscribe to RSS […]

Samovar Yerba Buena Live: Tea & Wine Tasting with Gary Vaynerchuk and Kevin Rose

The first ever wine and tea tasting with my friends Gary Vaynerchuk, Kevin Rose. Filmed live at Samovar in downtown SF, this episode features these teas: Downy Sprout, Gyukoro Inoka Hill, Ryokucha, Monkey Picked Iron Goddess of Mercy, Phoenix oolong, Hong Yue, and Blood Orange Pu-erh. And these wines: Shibumi Knoll Chardonay 2008 Shibumi Knoll Cab 2007 Kistler Sonoma […]

Tea and Honey

Tea and honey are classic pairings. This is a beautiful movie about modern day beekeeping in Brooklyn, NY. This six-minute film profiles Brooklyn farmer Megan Paska. Megan has witnessed beekeeping as it morphed from an illegal (and possibly crazy) habit to a sustainable, community-supported skill. Mirroring beekeeping’s own ascendance, she found more than just a […]

Video: Tea Mavericks of America

For those who missed the Tea Mavericks of America event or want to watch it again, enjoy this video recording!

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