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Tea Focus: Our New Apple Ginseng Oolong

For much of the West Coast, autumn is an extension of summer. In the Bay Area, September and October can be even more pleasant as the fog lifts and the sun shines through. But back in Boston, where I grew up, and in the more temperate parts of the States, fall is here, and fall […]

12 New Teas at Samovar Tea Lounge

At Samovar Tea Lounge, we search far and wide to find the most delicious, most fragrant, hand-made artisan teas for our online and Tea Lounge customers. We’ve been at it again and I am excited to announce 12 spectacular new teas. I’d love to serve you up a steaming cup of your choosing, but since […]

Big Bags of Tea

Get 15-20% Off With Big Bags of Tea Tea lovers have been asking for years, and finally we’ve done it. Big Bags of tea are now ready to go in our online store. If you really love your Earl Grey, you can now get it and many other favorites in 1 pound bags, or larger […]

How To Make Frozen Tea Treats

Stay cool with frozen tea treats. Get ideas for how to make some amazing gourmet tea popsicles, tea granitas, and tea ice cubes that are just soooo cool!

Cool Sweetness: How to Make Iced Tea Lattes

Love your tea latte? Learn how to make one at home that will far exceed any box-store bought one. Lindsey lays out the steps to making a tea latte that won’t kill you with sugar but will cool and delight you!

Chilled Teas – When it’s Hot, Serve it Cold

Tea  tastes great hot or cold. During the warm summer months, our chilled teas are some of the most popular drinks on the menu. Here’s a quick intro to making your own refreshing chilled teas. “The slow way”: brew your tea as you normally would, add sweetener such as  coconut palm sugar if desired and then […]

2 Secrets to Brewing Better Tea

The best tasting water comes directly from a remote hole in the ground. Fresh from the earth. People often ask “How do I brew tea?” To answer that, let’s first answer the question “Why should I brew tea?” The simple act of brewing, and sipping tea is a training ground for living better. The ability […]

How to Make a Matcha Shake

The Soy Matcha Shake has been a longtime favorite at the Lounges. Now we’re excited to make the Samovar Sweet Matcha Shake Mix available through our online store. To make a matcha shake: Combine five ice cubes, one heaping tablespoon of Samovar Sweet Matcha Shake Mix, and eight ounces whole milk, soy milk, or almond […]

How to Taste Tea the Samovar Way

One of the great things about tea is that it taps into something very basic, human, and elemental. Good tea stimulates all of the senses. All of them. Perhaps tea is so profound because, let’s face it, everything boils down to sex.  Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste. Tea is in fact very sensual. It touches […]

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