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Tea with Graham Hill – Masala Chai, Nishi Sencha

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Knowledge is power, and Graham Hill channels knowledge into inspiration and action through the green news site TreeHugger.com. As a serial “designpreneur,” Graham shares about the challenges of entrepreneurship, and how to make a difference through your work.

Show Notes

  • “Yes” environmentalism instead of “no”
  • Making green cool and convenient
  • The challenges of having your business be acquired
  • How to find a need to solve
  • What makes a good leader
  • The value of failure
  • Taking risks and dealing with fear
  • Getting the word out by connecting with personal interest


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About the Guest

A serial Designpreneur, Graham has a Bachelor of Architecture from Carleton University in Ottawa and also studied Product Design at Emily Carr in Vancouver. In 95′, with his cousin, he grew, and later sold, the web-developer, SiteWerks, to 60 people doing work for clients such as Microsoft. In 03′, he founded both TreeHugger.com and a ceramic cup business (WeAreHappyToServeYou.com). TreeHugger later became part of Discovery’s Planet Green initiative and is where he currently puts his efforts. Past businesses also include fashion, viral email and plant-based air filters. He speaks English, French, German and Spanish and loves kitesurfing, squash and snowboarding. From his New York home, he schemes daily about how he can help humanity avoid rapid extinction.

About Samovar Stories

Tea brings people together, and Samovar brings people to tea. In this interview series let the stories of these fearless folk educate and entertain, and deliver you a dose of daily inspiration. These real people doing really amazing things, encourage us all to wake up to the “now” and do something momentous with our lives.

Join Samovar Tea Lounge founder Jesse Jacobs as he shares good tea with friends,  some famous and some not, but all of them inspiring and unique. Featured guests include best selling authors Dr. Andrew WeilTim FerrissChip Conley, and Dean Karnazas, tech entrepreneur and Digg.com founder Kevin RoseZappos CEO Tony Hsiehcraigslist.orgfounder Craig Newmark, and others.


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