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Erick is one of Samovar’s Fearless Leaders. Whenever we have a question about tea, food, tea ware, or just about anything, Erick is the one we ask. His kindness, curiosity, and welcoming nature mean that Erick makes easy friends with all who come to Samovar.

Tea with Norwood Part I: Brewing Enlightenment

Part I of Jesse’s Visit with Bay Area tea luminary and author of the famed “Tea Lover’s Treasury,” James Norwood Pratt. Norwood Pratt takes time to brew Lu Shan Chinese green tea and chat about tea’s history. – Brewing tea at Norwood Pratt’s house – Lu Shan, “Cloud and Mist” tea and what makes it […]

Ryokucha Green Tea has Just Arrived from Japan… yum!

Fresh Ryokucha has just arrived. Creamy, full bodied, matcha infused, malty, smooth & sweet, and with a mildly grassy finish. That’s Ryokucha, our special house-blended staple, and the ingredients are fresh from Japan. This tea has a very complex taste, but a very simple effect: It feels good! Ryokucha green tea is so popular because […]

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