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St. Patrick’s day at Samovar

St. Patrick's day at Samovar

St. Patrick’s day is right around the corner and when we think about green, we think about Green tea. From floral Jasmine, savory Ryokucha to oceanic and grassy Nishi sencha, the variety of Green teas is endless.

But, Green tea is not only a delight for your taste buds – it also possesses many health benefits and boosts your mood. It is full of antioxidants to fight cell damage and provides your body with L-theanine, an amino acid that calms and soothes your mind.

Take on a new relaxing ritual with our favorite Samovar Green teas, explore delicious cooking recipes, or serve our St. Patrick’s day Green tea cocktails this weekend.

Green Tea Favorites


Jasmine blossoms, picked at peak sweetness, infuse our organic Chinese green tea with a succulent aroma that uplifts the mood and tastes like liquid summertime.


Toasted brown rice is blended with steamed green tea and stone-ground matcha green tea powder to make a rich, creamy and sweet Japanese green tea for every day.

Shibumi Matcha

A sweet, resonant and remarkable brew with a smooth mouthfeel. Imparting notes of steamed rice, sweet potato and green hay.

Nishi Sencha

Picked early in the spring this elegant, succulent, and classic Japanese Sencha green tea that is pure joy. L-theanine, that naturally occurring mood booster your brain releases in yoga class, also occurs in the best Japanese green teas, which is what makes this tea taste and feel so good.

Organic Green Ecstasy Matcha and Sencha Green Tea Blend

Green Ecstasy

Asamushi-style first flush Japanese blended sencha and matcha with more caffeine and mouthfeel this tea is easy to drink, energizing, and totally addictive.

Green Tea Cocktails

There are many ways tea and alcohol can be combined to form sophisticated, complex tea cocktails. A fun and simple method is to whisk matcha into beer or to infuse tea leaves in alcohol. Celebrate St. Patrick’s day with our bright green Matcha & beer cocktail or choose our Jasmine Green cocktail for a floral burst.

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The matcha cookbook

Explore the uses, health benefits and many delicious recipes. From beverages to soups and main dishes as well as face masks. This book has every matcha lover covered.

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