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Ambassador Irene
Ambassador Irene

Irene is a true foodie. And, we should be proud…Samovar ranks so high on her list of best places to eat in the Bay. She also loves wine….studying the regions, growing conditions, food pairing and learning all she can about small scale artisan products. Of course she’s crazy about our tea because of the small scale farms and artisan estates we source from.

“Personally, I really like the teas that come out of Jingmai Mountain. This is such a unique place. And to be able to get these teas direct from these village people who have been crafting the teas the same way for many generations… And to think they are getting the tealeaves from wild tea trees, and that some of them are over 1000 years old! The story behind some of our teas are as intriguing as the tastes! Jingmai Beencha, Maiden’s Ecstacy, Gold Toucha and Green Toucha, Sun Dried Beencha, and the Ancient Tree Green–actually I can’t decide which is my favorite. They are all so different. I am partial to these Ancient tree teas, and I really love making delicious meals, and pairing the different teas to different courses of food.”

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